December 1, 2023
The purpose ofEducation, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)is to make special educational provision to meet the needs of the child or young person, to secure the best possible outcomes and to prepare them for adulthood as they get older. During your transition period, you can use your annual EHCP reviews to help you plan. Usually from the age of 14 EHCP outcomes can revolve around preparing for adulthood (e.g. employment, friends & independent living)
You can be in adult care and also in education - your EHCP ends when you either 1.) leave education, 2.) have met all the outcomes in your EHCP, or 3.) have reached 25.
So EHCPs can remain in place until an individual is 25, if it is agreed that it would be beneficial for them to do so. When it is anticipated that a young person with an EHC Plan will soon be leaving education or training, the local authority should agree in advance the support the young person might need to access and the support they might need to help them access it.