Parent carer forums

Parent carer forums


October 2, 2023

In the UK, parent carer forums are organised groups of parents and carers of children with additional needs. They are usually organised by Local Authority, who they work closely with, so that each local area has its own group.

Their aim is to make sure that services in the area meet the needs of these families and they do so by gathering the views of local families and working alongside the care organisations in the area to highlight what is working well, and what should be improved.

They are also a brilliant resource to meet other parents caring for children with additional needs - these forums want your views and are keen to hear from you.

There is usually a steering group of parents who lead this work, and forums are supported by an annual grant from the Department for Education.

The charityContactis the delivery partner of the Department of Education in supporting parent carer forums across England, and you can find your local forum onthis link.

You can also visit theNational Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF). They are a network of over 150 parent carer forums who act as the independent voice of parent carer forums.